Curriculum Vitae
University of Toronto, Canada (2015-2021)
PhD: Ancient Art History
Supervisor: Professor Carl Knappett
Specialization: Ancient Art
SSHRC Doctoral Fellow (2017-2020)
Keble College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (2013-2014)
Master of Studies: Classical Archaeology, Distinction
Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Bendall
Focus on the Aegean Bronze Age
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada (2009-2013)
Honours Bachelor of Arts: Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology, High Distinction
Awards, Scholarships, and Grants
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (2017-2020)
Frederick and Joan Winter Student Travel Bursary (Summer 2018)
Joseph W. and Maria C. Shaw Graduate Scholarship in Archaeology (Summers 2017 & 2018)
Keble Association Study Award (2014)
Alumni Gold Medal for the Faculty of Arts, Wilfrid Laurier University (2013)
President’s Centennial Scholarship (2009-2013)
Course Instructor in the Department of Art History, University of Toronto
FAH206: “Prehistoric Aegean and East Mediterranean Art and Archaeology” (Fall 2021)
FAH401: “Aegean Wall Painting,” 4th Year Seminar (Fall 2019)
Teaching Assistant in the Department of Visual Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga
FAH205: “Art in Antiquity” (Winter 2021)
Teaching Assistant in the Department of Art History, University of Toronto
FAH307: “Emergence of Greek Civilization” (Winter 2017)
FAH311: “Greek Sculpture” (Winter 2016)
FAH207: “Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology (Fall 2015)
Instructional Assistant in the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University
AR102: Methods, Theories, and Practice (2011-2013)
Forthcoming “Miniatures, Scale, and Grasping the Unknowable in Minoan Material Culture” in Proceedings of The Miniature: An International Conference, 10-12 March 2022.
Forthcoming. “Loomweights and Ceramic Textile Tools.” In Mochlos V.
Forthcoming. “Figurines.” In Palace and Landscape at Palaikastro.
2023. “Two Sizes Too Small: Two Categories of Miniature Pottery in Minoan Crete,” Annual of the British School at Athens: 1-34.
2022. “The Peak Sanctuary of Petsofas,” Database of Religious History. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia.
2022. “The Peak Sanctuary of Juktas,” Database of Religious History. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia.
2015. “Bronze Age Flower Power: The Minoan Use and Social Significance of Saffron and the Crocus Flower, Chronika 5: 42-55.
2014: “A Mediterranean Mosaic: The Archaeological Evidence for Ethnic Diversity at Pithekoussai,” Laurier Undergraduate Journal of the Arts 1: 1-28.
13th International Congress of Cretan Studies, Virtual (October 5-9, 2022)
Presenter, “Disrupting the Scale: Miniature Pottery in Minoan Ritual”
“The Miniature: An International Conference,” Toronto (March 10-12, 2022)
Presenter, “Miniatures, Scale, and Grasping the Unknowable in Minoan Material Culture”
122nd Annual Meeting of the AIA, Virtual (January 5-10, 2021)
Co-Chair of the Student Affairs Interest Group’s Workshop, “Entering the Field: Insights into the Interview Process”
Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (August 23-30, 2020)
Presenter, “The Ritual and Secular Uses of Miniature Pottery in Bronze Age Crete”
121st Annual Meeting of the AIA, Washington D.C. (January 2-5, 2020)
Speaker, “Small but Mighty: Miniature Ceramic Vessels in MM IB-LM IB Minoan Settlements on Crete”
Co-Chair of the Student Affairs Interest Group’s Workshop, “Taking to the Field: How to Start an Archaeological Project” and Lightning Session
North American Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, Syracuse NY (May 3-5, 2019)
Speaker, “Face to Face with Miniatures: The Potency of Figurines and Small-Scale Objects”
120th Annual Meeting of the AIA, San Diego, California (January 3-6, 2019)
Co-Chair of the Student Affairs Interest Group’s Workshop, “Taking to the Field: How to Start an Archaeological Project” and Lightning Session
Graduate Conference at the University of Heidelberg, “No (e)scape? Towards a Relational Archaeology of Man, Nature, and Thing in the Aegean Bronze Age,” Germany (March 23-25, 2018)
Speaker, “Of Mountains and Miniatures: The role of miniatures in the sacred landscape of Minoan Crete”
North American Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, Toronto (May 18-20, 2017)
Speaker, “Scale and the Spiritual: The role of miniaturization and materiality in religion”
Co-Organizer of the session, “The Scale of Things: Miniature Objects in Relation to the Body, Geography, and Each Other”
118th Annual Meeting of the AIA, San Diego, California (January 5-8, 2017)
Co-Chair of the Student Affairs Interest Group’s Workshop, “So You’ve Chosen Your Topic - What Now?: Best Practices in Data Collection, Management, and Analysis”
Service and Outreach
Archaeological Institute of America
Chair of the NextGeneration Advisory Board (April 2018-December 2020)
Chair of the Student Affairs Interest Group (2018-April 2021)
Member of the Subcommittee for Sexual Harassment Policy and Field Conduct (2018-present)
Managing Editor of the AIA Toronto Society’s Bi-Annual Newsletter (2015-2022)
Graduate Union of Students of Art (GUStA), University of Toronto
Faculty-Student Liaison (2018-2019)
Co-Chair of the 5th Annual Wollesen Memorial Graduate Symposium (2017-2018)
Co-Editor-in-Chief of the 2018 University of Toronto Art Journal
Secretary (2015-2016)
Royal Ontario Museum
Volunteer Assistant with Curator Paul Denis (2014-present)
Gallery Assistant (2014-2015)
Skype a Scientist
Archaeology Volunteer (2019-present)
Archaeological Institute of America (2013-present)
The Canadian Institute in Greece (2012-present)